As a german who lived in the direct neighborhood of a socialistic country I can tell you that you have absolutely no clue what communism is.
What you claim to be, if it is true, is quite the opposite of communism: it is the consequence of free, unregulated capitalism. Just do the math. You will find that capitalism tends to concentrate wealth to fewer and fewer people. That's the way it is. If anything economic successful happens anywhere in the world, the big guys have the money to buy it. They have the strongest investment power and are increasing their wealth exponentially.
The problem of capitalism: if you increase your wealth by taking it away from the average Joe, you are also weakening a customer of your goods and services. There needs to be a balance between income for capital and income for work to avoid a crisis. This balance must be maintained by the states. It doesn't emerge from free markets on its own.
You won't find that in the Communist Manifesto, but in another work of Marx : "The Capital". It's much better. There are many interesting takeaways in there for understanding economic processes within capitalism.