Is it? Actually we have a monopoly on the Internet for about everything aside video streaming services (well, with the streaming services of movie distributors like Disney or Paramount these are monopolies as well) . And when there is no monopol, than there is an oligopol. There is no real competition anymore once a service has collected the majority of users - with networking effects all over the place the rest will flock to the winner. Has Facebook/Instagram/TikTok competition? Has Google with its services (aside E-Mail)? Has Amazon (aside AliBaba)? And Apple is a monopoly by technical design. And then there is a dominant oligopol for backend or edge cloud services: AWS, Google Cloud, Azure. Europe tries to come up with european cloud services for digital souveranity, but yet no european cloud service provider can compete with the Big 3 in most use cases.
Actually I did not read much further as I got the odd impression of listening to a MAGA enthusiast (and I did listen to some): the article is based on a "reality" that does not exist. No correct factual premises up to this point.