It isn’t easy to turn people into conspiracy theorists. As ignorance is not a feature of the average man or woman but the other end of the line: as there are people more intelligent than the average there are people less intelligent than the average. The average (which the bell curve is telling us most people are) has no problem to acknowledge that there are some very smart boys and girls around and it is helpful to listen to them and follow their advice. It makes life easier most of the time. The actual problem is: this time it doesn’t make life easier, it just saves it for a price.
What we witness today is that the dumb people get sided by some ordinary people disliking what the smart people are saying as that is the state of the world: future looks dangerous according to the bright guys and we have to do unconvinient things to make it better. Who likes that? And than take the internet, feed some cristallization points into it by lying to people that the smart guys are talking bullshit and you will find a mass of people believing you just for convinience.
They still remain a minority but a big one. Thus having considerable political influence. As the uncomfortable truth is uncomfortable as it has political consequences that are uncomfortable. No one argues this way against hard-to-believe-difficult-to-explain-but-true things like general relativity or quantum physics as neither is asking you to stop driving your car or using air planes. The truth about our climate is. And then things get ugly. It is not the fault of science or scientist. It is the fault of science acquiring political meaning. We scientist can do two things, we can state what is and will be, and we can state, what effect any action will have on this. This is the uncomfortable truth. And the rest is the usual ugly, usual idiotic way politics goes in democracies, when truth fights with power. Most often losing.
We can’t afford to lose this time.