The thing I am worried about in that context is that the "left" exposes themselves to be vulnarable for any "cancel culture" rant doing things like this. As some of them seem to don't care wether their criticism is reasonable or not.
It hurts me, when I think about that there is real problem with real racism, sexism and discrimination in the world, and those debates do not help anyone caught in there and becoming a victim every day.
There is a responsibility even on the "right" side to consider the reason and rightfulness of their actions. That iseems to be totally missing these days.
I also think that this is the reason why the USA appears so polarized these days. That is when you give each side a fundament of solid reason to fight the other by having the other side acting unreasonable on occasion. You get a never-ending argument as a result.
There are other players in the world that just want it to be this way. In the USA as in every other democratic country (who, as you may have missed, are still a minority in the world).
Do you really want to help people or are you just on a quest to present yourself as a perfect person measured on own accord? Think! Your motives may be honest but your actions may be not. If so, you are hurting your cause.