Waiting for my company to deliver an ordered iphone 13 after months I am still stuck with an iPhone 8. And I do not like to use it as a camera. It lacks so much. You cannot configure anything for a picture, zooming in is a pain and digital but cutting out the part you would like to have afterwards does as well significantly reduce the picture quality. Getting the focus on the stuff you want is almost impossible. I have even trouble to hold that thing steady in the direction of the target when shooting and it does not provide me with a full-view image of the picture to be taken. It's just the smartphone screen half a meter away.
You can't adjust all the things one can adjust at a camera to get pictures the way you want them regarding lighting conditions, depth and focus. Content-wise one can't shoot good pictures. All you can do is take snapshots of moments with a lot of random features regarding the picture properties. It is just casual. I never shot a picture with my smartphone that I later wanted as a desktop background. But I do have a lot of such pictures shot by a camera.
Shooting pictures is an art. As far as my experience with shooting pictures with smartphones goes you can't do that with them. They are sufficient to deliver illustrations for your FB profile,
I do not carry a camera with me all the time but I do when looking forward to an event interesting opportunities to take pictures may appear. It doesn't bother me to carry a camera bag. If that's all I have to carry, it's fine.
I still shoot pictures with the smartphone occasionally. Pictures of damage for the insurance company. And even those are bad.