You are a physicist: Ever heard of "twilight-zone gravity" or a paper "Gravity in the twilight-zone"? Two things chatGPT hallucinated recently out of the blue when asked about the last paper of a certain physicist - with a coauthor she never published anything with. it wasn't even able to locate her correctly in the world of universities (a fate she shared with some other colleagues mentioned by chatGPT within that dialogue)
Did you know that Safari needs special configuration to handle sites offering kerberos authentication (it does not), and when you tell chatGPT that the suggested way to configure it simply isn't there, it invents a new method and you can repeat that cycle (i tried four times)?
chatGPT seems to be good in understanding questions but the answers are crap. Given that chatGPT is basically a text transformator it seeming to understand you is an illusion. To reproduce typical language patterns of answers based on patterns of the question understanding is not necessary. Just a really big neural network.